JavaCompanion FileMaker Plug-in API v.1.2.2 Develop FileMaker Pro plug-ins using pure Java.VirtualUser will never get bored by repeating the. 24U VirtualUser Plug-In v.1.0.1 24U VirtualUser Plug-In is a FileMaker Pro plug-in that will allow you to simulate usual user actions (such as mouse movements, clicks, keystrokes), run scripts, and record and replay all actions.With the main "Transcode" function, you can translate any text from one character encoding into another based on your own encoding. It allows your databases to "transcode" text in several ways. 24U Transcoding Plug-In v.1.0 24U Transcoding Plug-In is a FileMaker Pro plug-in.The version 2.0 newly also generates pictures from numeric data. Its purpose is to highlight text and rectangular areas with a user-defined color. 24U SimpleHighlight Plug-In v.2.0 24U SimpleHighlight Plug-In is a sample FileMaker Pro plug-in project based on 24U FM Template.24U SimpleHelp Plug-in v.3.2.1 24U SimpleHelp Plug-in is a FileMaker Pro plug-in that enables solution developers to use interactive help tools such as help tags (tool tips), coachmarks, or roll-over effects for layout objects and controls (data fields, buttons, pictures etc.).The sound formats currently supported are Windows WAV files (on both platforms) and Macintosh. It allows your FileMaker Pro databases to play your own custom sounds on Windows and Macintosh computers.