Even with a very fast machine and GPU you have time to go grab a snack before you can review your images using Lightroom. One of the big differences is in how long it takes after import to be able to review and cull shots. Indoors in mixed lighting the color shifts (due to different lighting color temperatures) are less in C1. Outdoor shots in full sun have much more contrast in Lightroom and I have to apply a custom curve to get them to match what I saw at the time I took them. Lightroom and C1 each give me a different starting point after import. While it might make more sense to run C1 in Sessions mode (and avoid the second import) I prefer to not have the C1 session files intermixed with the images when I do backups. My Leica images are almost always processed in C1. After import into Lightroom I either process in Lightroom, or do a second import into my C1 catalog. Phase One's Media Pro is much better, but still doesn't do it for me. (The images are not contained in the catalog, just the references to their folder location.) The C1 catalog is not nearly as full featured and does not do many of the functions I use in Lightroom's catalog. So all my work gets ingested into Lightroom. I really depend on the Lightroom catalog, which now supports 100K of my images. Lightroom has a very nice automated tool for perspective distortion, while C1's is manual in operation. I use Structure a lot, particularly with Monochrom images. No Dehaze tool in C1 and no Structure Tool in Lightroom. The tools sets are generally comparable, but there are differences. If you are comfortable with Photoshop many of the C1 tools work like their counterparts in Photoshop. I have always liked C1 color better than ACR and Lightroom, but that gap has closed considerably and now with Lightroom 7.3 I could be satisfied with the output from either one. I'm an M system shooter, but have been using Capture One since version 3.7 and Lightroom since the beta that preceded version 1.